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Toxic Relationship Tarot Spread: Is It Time to End Things?
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Are you having serious doubts about the prospects of your current relationship? Do you feel like it might be toxic and no longer serves you? If that’s the case, it would be helpful to talk to a professional tarot reader to gain some clarity. Alternatively, though, you can try performing our toxic relationship tarot spread. Here’s how:

Toxic Relationship Tarot Spread
Your 5 Cards Tarot Spread Meaning
Understanding Toxic Relationship
Before you attempt to perform the toxic relationship tarot spread, it would make sense to define what a toxic relationship is and try to answer the question of whether to be worried about yours. Occasional disagreements and even full-blown conflict are a norm for all relationships, romantic or otherwise.
So, how to know if your current partnership is a toxic one and could use a toxic relationship tarot spread session? The answer isn’t really straightforward. Some of the key signs of a toxic relationship include excessive jealousy and possessiveness, gaslighting, failure to respect your partner’s boundaries, lack of support, controlling behavior, and more.
What matters the most, though, is how you feel in this relationship. There’s a popular TikTok going around these days. The main idea is that regardless of whether or not you are actually abused, if you feel abused, that’s enough. The same is true for toxic relationships.
So, if you feel that the level of toxicity in yours is going up beyond what you consider acceptable, perhaps time for a toxic relationship tarot spread. Afterward, you should also consider other love tarot spreads to learn more about your relationship and where it is going (or not going).Toxic Relationship Tarot Spread Guide
The toxic relationship tarot spread is a simple five-card spread. It’s very easy to perform and otherwise very beginner-friendly. Here’s what each of the cards stands for.
Card #1: The Relationship
The first card represents the current state of your relationship. It reflects the overall energy and dynamics between you and your partner. You will need our tarot guide to understand the meaning of the card you draw in this position, but let’s take a look at a couple of examples.
The Devil. If you draw the Devil as the first card, it reveals certain unhealthy attachments and patterns in your relationship, such as jealousy or controlling behaviors.
The Two of Cups in a reversed position. When reversed, the Two of Cups represents stands for lack of harmony, miscommunication, or emotional disconnection.
Card #2: Your Role
The second card of the toxic relationship tarot spread describes your role in your relationship. It’s an excellent chance to self-reflect to be able to see whether or not you’re in any way at fault for your relationship’s toxicity.
The Queen of Swords. If you draw the Queen of Swords as the second card of this spread, here’s what it likely means: you bring clarity and open communication into your partnership (which is great), but you can get aloof occasionally, which hurts your partner’s feelings.
The Four of Pentacles. The Four of Pentacles suggests that you might be holding on too tightly, either to the person or to your beliefs about the relationship. This might cause possessiveness on your part.
Card #3: Their Role
The third card describes your partner’s role.
The Knight of Wands in a reversed position. When reversed, the Knight of Wands is bad news. It represents impulsiveness, recklessness, or inconsistency in your partner’s behavior toward you.
The High Priestess in a reversed position. The revered High Priestess suggests that your partner might not be in tune with their intuition. This causes problems, such as the lack of emotional depth or honesty in the relationship.
Card #4: Lessons to Be Learned
The fourth card stands for the lesson or lessons you need to learn in your current relationship. Perhaps there’s a bigger purpose in what you’re going through with your significant other.
The Tower. If you draw the Tower as the fourth card, it’s all about sudden disruptive change. The Universe likely wants to teach you about the need for change and the danger of stagnation.
The Six of Swords. The Six of Swords represents moving on from difficult situations. It’s very likely that it’s time for you to move on, and that’s what you need to grow comfortable doing.
Card #5: Path Forward
Finally, the fifth and final card of the toxic relationship tarot spread stands for the future of your current relationship. Will you stay together?
The Star. The Star is a hopeful card. It symbolizes healing and renewal. However, please keep in mind that while this might mean that there is still hope for your relationship, it can also mean that to heal, you need to move on.
Ten of Swords. If you draw the Ten of Swords as the fifth card, it’s probably time to end things. This card represents a painful yet necessary ending.